Crier – March 2016
Crier - March 2016 The Lound Crier was first published in the early 70’s and is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. You will find all issues from January 2015 here.
Crier - March 2016 The Lound Crier was first published in the early 70’s and is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. You will find all issues from January 2015 here.
Lound Parish Council Draft Minutes February 2016 Lound Parish Council Minutes for February 2016
Agenda for Lound PC Meeting February 2016 The Parish Council normally meets monthly at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. Anyone interested is welcome to attend the meetings.
Minerals Consultation Letter 12 February 2016 The Parish Council have received a copy of the Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Submission Draft that may be of interest to you.
Tinker Lane Draft Minutes tinker-lane-scoping-report county-council-response The Parish Council are keeping a watching brief on the progress of the planned exploratory borehole near  Barnby Moor. Attached are the relevant documents to date, along with a note of the meeting of the…
Crier - February 2016 The Lound Crier was first published in the early 70’s and is a monthly journal to keep villagers informed of news and activities in and around Lound. You will find all issues from January 2015 here.